2019-2024 Grupa Sad Export Sp. z o.o.

  • Only from DESSERT APPLES of the first quality. Never from industrial apples.
  • DIRECT pressing with a belt press.
  • No SUGAR or WATER added.
  • No artificial vitamin C (ascorbic acid) added. 
  • No PRESERVATIVES of any kind.
  • GREAT TASTE: the best apples and lack of ascorbic acid makes it loved by children as it has no a sour taste. Elders won’t experience a heartburn anymore.
  • iTQi Superior Taste Award 2016 & 2017
  • Shelf life: 12 MONTHS at room temperature
  • Packed in Tetra Pak
  • The shelf-stable NFC apple juice without ascorbic acid

The Apple King – rewarded NFC apple juice

The Apple King – rewarded NFC apple juice

Diploma for Apple King NFC apple juice

 2016 & 2017 "iTQi Superior Taste Award" - a sign of the quality of taste!

"Superior Taste Award" is the only sign awarded to food and beverages for the quality of taste by the leaders in this field: Michelin and Sommelier chefs. 

ITQi's jury is selected from among 17 of Europe's most prestigious organizations such as: Maîtres Cuisiniers France, Académie Culinaire de France, Academy of Culinary Arts, Euro-Toques, Federazione Italiana Cuochi, Nordic Chefs Association, Federación de Cocineros de España (Facyre), World Master Chefs Society, Verband der Köche Deutschlands and the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI).

The Apple King – top premium NFC apple juice

Medal for Apple King – sqeezed NFC apple juice
Apple King – NFC apple juice in Tetra Pak

Naturally cloudy Apple King hides the richness of annual polyphenols, which act anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antiallergic.

It's made with the method of cold pressing cold. After squeezing the juice is only lightly pasteurized. Gentle pasteurization makes it retain its natural taste and valuable health benefits. 

Apple juice is an effective and tasty form of prophylaxis: it supports the body's immunity, facilitates digestion, delays the aging process, increases the level of good HDL cholesterol and reduces the concentration of bad LDL in the blood, which effectively prevents atherosclerosis and protects against infarction, reduces the glycemic response of the body, which can protect against the development of diabetes, overweight and obesity. 

The cloudy apple juice provides the necessary micronutrients, including potassium and iron, and de-acidifies the body, because it contains a lot of alkaline mineral salts.

Experts recommend drinking one or two glasses a day.

Naturally cloudy Apple King juice does not contain preservatives, aromas or any additives: water, sugar or artificial colors. 

Our juice does not contain artificial vitamin C.